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Endoscopic Brow Lift
We performed an upper blepharoplasty and an endoscopic brow lift to rejuvenate her upper eyelids without over-lifting, to maintain her natural beauty. With a careful and personalized approach, we addressed her concerns by removing excess skin, making incisions in the natural folds of her eyelids to minimize scarring. Now, two months
post-op, she’s healing beautifully!

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Brow Lift
Six months post-op, our patient is glowing from her brow reset (brow lift), bilateral upper blepharoplasty, and internal ptosis repair. The before image reveals an extremely high arch in the left brow and a noticeable head tilt, indicative of severe upper lid ptosis. Post-surgery, the visibility of the iris is almost perfectly symmetrical, and there are no visible scars.
Our team is looking forward to helping
you achieve your goals!
Contact us today to book a consultation with Dr. House.
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